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What is civility?

Civility means...

Civility is treating others with respect. Along with the respect, you must remain open to other's ideas and beliefs.

Civility means...

Civility is putting aside differences and being kind to everyone around you.

Civility means...

Civility is welcoming people with open arms and celebrating each other's differences.

Civility means...

Civility is respecting people for who they are and what they believe in, while approaching others with an open mind and eagerness to help.

Civility means...

Civility is accepting others as they are and not judging them based on their appearance, beliefs, or opinions.

Civility means...

Civility is not forcing your beliefs and morals on others, but being able to discuss matters and hash them out like mature adults...not forcing other people to "tolerate" them or necessarily agree with them. We must know when to speak our minds and to keep our moths shut.

Civility means...

Civility comes from loving your fellow man. Have a kind mindset and positive attitude. Be open to one another.

Civility means...

Civility is treating others how you would like to be treated.

Civility means...

Civility is treating other people how you wish to be treated.

Civility means...

Civility is simply being respectful to one another regardless of differing opinion or background.

Civility means...

Civility is giving everyone the same respect and not being judgmental because of their differences.

Civility means...

Civility is treating everyone with respect, no matter who they are or what they look like. Even if you may not like them or agree with them. It is showing other humans the basic respect we all deserve.

Civility means...

civility means to respect everyone no matter what background they have.

Civility means...

Civility is the view on the world that Jesus Christ had - love everyone no matter what

Civility means...

Civility means to be open minded and welcoming to all people.

Civility means...

Civility is working together as a community and respecting those who work together with you to make this community.

Civility means...

Civility is not judging others based on their individual beliefs, appearance, or opinions and keeping an open mind to towards new things and people.

Civility means...

Civility is treating everyone with respect, regardless of personal differences.

Civility means...

Civility in its simplest form, is just a mutual respect and understanding within a community, to not be a dick

Civility means...

Civility is the ability to respectfully engage with others despite social or physical differences. Civility is a mutual respect for each person one comes in contact with.

Civility means...

Civility is showing respect for other members in your community, whether or not you can relate to them. You don't judge others.

Civility means...

Civility involves UNDERSTANDING, even if you must look past your own individual ideas about appearance, beliefs, truths and morality.

Civility means...

It's truly believing that everyone you meet is not any better or worse than you. We are all Vols

Civility means...

Civility is acceptance of everyone and praising of each other's differences rather than negligence.

Civility means...

Civility is treating others with respect and standing up for those who can't defend themselves.